How to maximise the benefits of graphic recording at a conference - A case study from Masters of Digital 2024
What I love about this event (apart from the amazing speakers and nice atmosphere) is that they really emphasise the graphic recording and integrate it seamlessly into the event. Let’s see how they do it.
The best event venues in Brussels - according to a graphic recorder
My all-time favourite event venues in Brussels as a graphic recorder.
Live scribing for a more engaged audience: How to use live illustration to activate and inspire the participants at your next online event
Learn more about how live scribing benefits online conferences.
3 key things to discuss when working with a graphic recorder
3 key things you should discuss at your first briefing with a graphic recorder.
Why interactive graphic recording is a great tool for workshops and conferences
More and more event organisers decide to include some sort of live conference illustration at their event. To take this concept a step further, we recently decided with a client to add an interactive element to a workshop by inviting the audience to participate at the graphic recording.
How to use the graphic recording visuals after your event
5 ideas to make the most of your graphic recording visuals.
Analogue vs digital graphic recording, the pros and cons to help you choose
A short guide to help you choose the best graphic recording format for your next event.
Visual harvesting for more conference engagement
Visual harvesting at the EU Tomorrow Summit 2023 organised by ThinkYoung.
Live scribing at the Utterly Content design conference
A summary of my live illustration work at the Utterly Content design conference
Live illustration at a medical conference in two languages
Live illustration in English and French at a medical conference