A Guide To Online Graphic Recording: How to use live illustration for a better online meeting experience

What is graphic recording?

Graphic recording (also called live illustration or visual harvesting) is the practice of creating a visual summary of an event, meeting or lecture. The images are created either on a large paper canvas or digitally on an iPad by identifying the key topics and most important messages. Once a session is over, the final image is ready to be shared online and with the participants.

Why Does Graphic Recording Matter?

Graphic recording is not a new invention, but these days, when so many of our meetings have moved online, it’s gaining even more traction than before. It is especially useful for presenting the takeaway messages in an accessible format to your audience members. People generally have an easier time processing visuals than text, so a visual summary can help to better understand and also recall more information after the event has passed. By combining text with images and using visual metaphors, the graphic recorder will reveal connections and add an extra layer of meaning.

If you are organising an online event, letting your audience “peak behind the curtain” while the live illustration is taking place can provide a welcome break and even help to beat zoom fatigue.

What Are The Benefits of Graphic Recording?

For your audience

They have a visual representation of what they have heard which makes the information more accessible, more memorable and easier to process. The live illustration helps the key messages sink in, and people can arrive at a common understanding through the visuals. At online gatherings, by injecting “creativity breaks” into the flow of your event, you can help your participants remain focused and avoid zoom fatigue.

For the organisers

As the organiser, you will have creative visual content that you can project during your sessions, share on your social channels after the event and use in your reporting. Make sure to send the images to your speakers as a memento of the event!

So How Does Graphic Recording Work?

Online, offline and hybrid events

Graphic recording can be used at both online and offline, as well as hybrid events. You can choose to have the graphic recorder connect to your event from their studio or to come to the conference venue and be there on site. After the briefing and a technical check-in, the live illustrator will be ready to start drawing. If you have a specific color palette or logos and other elements that must be present on the visuals, be sure to give them to the artist before the sessions start.

During the event

During the event, you can have the option of having a dedicated channel just for the development of the graphic recording that you can project at selected moments as you like. If you don’t want to project the actual drawing process, you can have specific check-ins with the live illustrator. These usually happen at the beginning, middle and end.

After the event

You will receive the images either on the day of the event, or at the latest the next day. Once the event is over, you will have the possibility of adding certain small modifications if you see the need. You will have the copyright to the images so you will be able to use them in any way you like.

If you are interested in hiring me to live illustrate your next event, you can see some of my previous work or get in touch with me directly.


Graphic recording at the Utterly Content design conference


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